Architectural Stamp

Architectural Stamp Requirements Per State

List of States that do and do not require Architect stamps.

The list below only list states that do or do not need an Architect stamp for residential building plans. This information was gathered by calling or emailing the largest city per state. We contacted the larger cities because they tend to be stricter than the smaller cities and the counties. We are still waiting on some responses. If you find out some information that is different we would appreciate an email or post. Thanks. Information as of 6/05/14.

When an Architect stamp might be required.

If you are doing a commercial or an industrial project, then you will most likely need an Architect stamp on your drawings. We did not list these below. Most states do not require an Architect stamp for residential house plans. If you are a home builder doing large tract home subdivisions, then the local government might require an Architect Stamp. Some states made it a law that an Architect stamp is to be on the building plans in order to get the building permit.

Building projects that may not require an Architect stamp.

An Architect stamp might not be required if you are a small home builder doing a small tract home subdivisions or individual who is building a custom home. There are a few states that you can bring in a sketch on a napkin or nothing at all and get a building permit. They tend to put all there confidence in the home inspector. For a majority of states you can purchase plans or have a drafter design them for you and not need an Architect stamp.

Architect stamp or Engineer stamp.

Some people get these confused as being the same thing. An Architect generally only covers the design and look of the home. If they are a big name Architect then it can bring some value to your home. The most important stamp to have on your plans is the Structural Engineer. A Structural Engineer is the one that makes sure your building has all the correct beams, post, and other structural members that keep your building standing. See are State and Engineer Stamps page.

Click on your State below to get information.

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